STANLEY RoomCheck iOS App
RoomCheck is an application for STANLEY Healthcare’s MobileView real time location system. The application extends the visibility of MobileView to the room level. RoomCheck uses information configured within the MobileView Patient Flow application and displays it as a digital sign. This allows staff members in a medical clinic or hospital, to see real time room information without disturbing the occupants. The application was designed to be viewed on any compatible web browser installed on a tablet, which can be wall mounted outside patient rooms. The RoomCheck application displays which patient* is assigned to a room, the patient’s current status and location as well as additional custom properties, such as their procedure time or their assigned staff* members. Additionally, RoomCheck is able to display the room status, which staff* members are currently in the room and the room’s environmental conditions, such as humidity and temperature. The application is customizable, enabling different units within an organization to configure tailored views. RoomCheck is also available as a dedicated iOS app for iPad® or iPad® mini from the Apple® App Store℠.